Dictionar roman-italian, italian-roman de Mariana Sandulescu
Dictionarul este conceput conform celor mai recente norme de elaborare a dictionarelor bilingve.
Cuprinde 33 000 de cuvinte sise adreseazaunui public cat mai larg (incepatori sau avansati, studenti, oameni de afaceri, specialisti in diferite domenii, turisti). Sunt redate polisemia, echivalentele, expresiile, in exemple si constructii edificatoare din limbajul cotidian.
Aparatul informational morfo-sintactic face din acest dictionar unul gramaticalizat,devenind un excelent instrument de lucru.
Aspectele gramaticale mai delicate ale limbii italiene, ca alegerea prepozitiei, omiterea articolului, formele speciale de plural, tipul de conjugare, selectarea auxiliarului, sunt constant tratate in lucrare.
Acest dictionar este rezultatul participarii autoarei la Proiectul International Leonardo, 1999-2001, care a avut ca obiectiv stabilirea normelor internationale de elaborare a dictionarelor bilingve.
This dictionary is conceived according to the most recent standards for elaborating bilingual dictionaries.
It contains 33 000 words and is dedicated to a large number of people (beginners, advanced, students, businessmen, specialists from various fields, tourists). Polysemy, equivalence in translation and idioms are presented in examples and probative constructions of daily language.
The informational morphosyntactic apparatus of this dictionary is an excellent tool.
The delicate grammar issues of Italian, such as choosing the preposition, omission of the articles, special forms of plural, conjugation type, auxiliary selection, are constantly discussed.
This dictionary is the outcome of the author’s participating in the Leonardo International Project 1999-2001. Its objective was to establish international standards for the elaboration of the bilingual dictionaries.